Tis’ the Season!

It’s almost Fall here in the the good ole Tennessee Valley!
And man oh man am I ready!
SO much that the month of September entails!

FIRST, we have my personal favorites…
Scarves. Boots. AND coffee!!
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To sum it up=a giddy & child-like me, haha. Where my better half isn’t too fond of mass crowds full of sugar crazed kids and an obnoxious array of smells. He puts up with it once a year just for me to get my fill of funnel cakes, ferris wheel rides, carmel apples {on the occasion} and a plethora of carnival festivities! Can I add how thankful I am for his cooperation and willingness to make me happy! :)

lomo_effect_county_fair_by_nicoleelise-d4jaco3_large large-2THEN we have the season!
the breeze. multi-colored leaves. the 70s. pumpkins. bonfires. spices. & pies.
I am obsessed with this weather, not only is it a best friend to my closet, but it puts me in such a happy mood! I love just sitting on my back porch with coffee in hand embracing the beautifully painted masterpiece surrounding me!
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And of course, I can’t leave out the pies!
I am determined to perfect THE HOMEMADE PIE!
AppleBlueberryBlackberry…I’m all on it!

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Well, here’s to fall!
Grab some cider and toast with me!

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